

2022-04-01 / 0 评论 / 1,068 阅读 / 正在检测是否收录...





我是烟斗汪(昵称),本站的站点地址是:https://yandouwang.cn,您可以通过[email protected]这个邮箱联系我。



当访客留下评论时,我们会收集评论表单所显示的数据,和访客的IP地址及浏览器的user agent字符串来帮助检查垃圾评论。



如果您向此网站上传图片,您应当避免上传那些有嵌入地理位置信息(EXIF GPS)的图片。此网站的访客将可以下载并提取此网站的图片中的位置信息。








这些站点可能会收集关于您的数据、使用cookies、嵌入额外的第三方跟踪程序及监视您与这些嵌入内容的交互,包括在您有这 些站点的账户并登录了这些站点时,跟踪您与嵌入内容的交互。
















无论出于何种目的要求本站删除内容,“您”均需要提供相关证明,否则不予处理;可通过[email protected]邮箱联系。


Thanks for visiting my website. Hereby declare that the website attaches great importance to user privacy, and privacy is your important right. In the process of using the services provided by me, you will inevitably leave information on activities such as your voluntary submission and browsing of resources. I personally promise not to collect and use this information. I hope you read this "Privacy Policy" carefully, and when necessary, follow the guidelines of this "Privacy Policy" to make the choices you deem appropriate. We will try our best to describe the relevant technical vocabulary involved in this Privacy Policy in a concise and concise manner to facilitate your understanding.

We hope to explain to you our corresponding processing rules when collecting and using your personal information through this "Privacy Policy", as well as the ways we provide you with access, correction, deletion and protection of such personal information for better protection your rights.

I am

I'm pipepuppy, the main address: https://pipepuppy.com, you can contact me via [email protected].

What and why do we collect personal data


When a visitor leaves a comment, we collect the data displayed in the comment form, as well as the visitor's IP address and browser's user agent string to help check for spam.

An anonymized string (also known as a hash) generated from your email address may be provided to the Gravatar service to confirm your use of the service. The Privacy Policy for Gravatar Services is here: https://automattic.com/privacy/. After your comment is approved, your profile picture will be displayed publicly next to your comment.


If you upload images to this site, you should avoid uploading images with embedded geolocation information (EXIF GPS). Visitors to this site will be able to download and extract location information from images on this site.

Contact form

If you register on our site or purchase our products on our site, we may need to collect your contact information for our follow-up services.


If you leave a comment on my site, you can choose to save your name, email address and website in cookies. This is for your convenience by not having to fill in the relevant content again when you comment. These cookies are kept for one year.

The website currently does not provide registration and login functions, and it is impossible to obtain your sensitive information, so please use this website with confidence.

Embedded content from other sites

Articles on this site may contain embedded content (such as videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other sites behaves the same as if you were visiting those other sites directly.

These sites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party trackers, and monitor your interactions with these embedded content, including tracking you and the embedded content when you have an account with these sites and are logged into those sites interaction.

Who we share your information with

Rest assured that we will never share any information about you. You will not be asked to provide any information about you when it is not necessary, and please keep your private information confidential to prevent leakage.

How long we keep your information

If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata will be saved indefinitely. We do this so that any follow-up comments can be identified and automatically approved without having them queued for moderation.

What rights do you have over your information

If you have an account with this site, or have left a comment, you can request an export file of the personal data we hold about you, including all data you have provided us. You can also ask us to erase all personal data about you. This does not include data that we must retain for administrative, regulatory or security needs.

Where do we send your information

Guest comments may be checked by automated spam monitoring services.

How we protect your data

This site protects your data through strict encryption, regularly cleans up unnecessary data and invalid user data, and protects your data carefully.

information security

We only retain your personal information for the period necessary for the purposes described in this "Privacy Policy" and for the time limit required by laws and regulations.

The Internet is not a 100% secure environment, and communication with other users such as email, instant messaging, social software or other service software cannot be determined to be completely encrypted. We recommend that you use complex passwords when using such tools, and Pay attention to protect the security of your personal information. Because this website does not require registration and login, you can rest assured that no personal sensitive information will be leaked from this website.


For the purpose of transmitting information, this site may mispublish or affect the legitimate rights and interests of "you", please "you" actively contact us to deal with it;
Due to limited time and energy, we cannot verify the authenticity of each message one by one, but we will do our best to verify the information before publishing;

Regardless of the purpose of requesting this site to delete the content, "you" must provide relevant certificates, otherwise it will not be processed; you can contact via [email protected].


